10 Emerging Blockchain Use Cases That Will Revolutionise Industries

4 min readMar 8, 2023

Blockchain technology is transforming the world as we know it. From finance to healthcare, supply chain to education, distributed ledger technology has the potential to revolutionise every sector. With its inherent transparency, security and immutability characteristics, blockchain has become the go-to technology for businesses looking to improve their operations and create new revenue streams.

In this article, we explore ten emerging blockchain use cases that are poised to transform industries and change the way we live and work.

1. Decentralised finance (DeFi)

Decentralised finance, or DeFi, is a fast-growing sector that relies on blockchain technology. DeFi offers various financial services, such as lending, borrowing, trading and investing, without the need for traditional financial intermediaries such as banks. DeFi’s protocols are open source and transparent, allowing anyone to participate and earn a return on their assets.

Some common use cases for DeFi are DEX or Decentralised Exchanges (platforms that allow users to exchange cryptocurrencies and other digital assets without the need for intermediaries or centralised authorities), Stablecoins (cryptocurrencies that are linked to a stable asset such as fiat currency, gold or other commodities…




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